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Resident Out-of-Facility with Foster Care Provider 660-05-60-05

(Revised 5/1/19 ML 3549)

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A provider may claim payment for care of the resident when the resident vacations with the foster care provider if the resident has continuously lived with the foster family for a substantial period of time and the resident made an independent choice to vacation with the family. The provider must report the following to the County Social Service Agency prior to departure:

  1. The dates the resident will be vacationing with the foster family;  
  2. The telephone number(s) where they can be reached;
  3. The names and addresses of individuals who they will be visiting, if applicable; and
  4. A travel itinerary, if applicable.


The resident must remain in the care of the foster care provider.  Care of the client cannot be transferred to other family, friends, or anyone else during that time.














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